Thursday, April 22, 2004

From Maggie's Blog Once Again

Ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want. Then go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including me) to ask you anything. And I mean anything!!

Monday, April 19, 2004


Ok I stole this of my friend's blog. i'm bored an i really don't want to do my english.

1. What is the time right now? 20:30
2. Name: Eibhlin
3. Nicknames: Ivy, Evy, Cleo, Palooka, Dork, Eves, Clair, Freak oh there are some others out there
4. What are you wearing right now: Fannel sleeping pants and a white tank top
5. Star sign: Sagitarius. Woohoo, I get a bow and arrow
6. Where do you live: physically: Santa Fe, mentally: a topical iland filled with my wildest dreams
7. Sex: female
8. Single or taken: a bachelorette
9. Righty or lefty: righty, god i'm such a conformist
11. Eye color: hazel, gotta luv 'em

12. Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend: umm

(Ok the following were originally written for a guy so i'm gonna alter them)
1. Boxers or briefs? I'm actually all for boxer briefs but i guess boxers are better then briefs
2. Painted nails or not: okay couldn't figure out how to fix this one so, i'll just say that on some guys it looks good on other no
3. Beater or no beater: Beater, i like mystey
4. Good looking or intellectual? Both
5. Dressy or casual: casual
7. Long or short hair: shortish. I want to be ablt to run my fingers through it
8. Dark or light eyes: i could care less
9. Long or short nails: short duh(another unfixable ?)
10. Hat or no hat: see 8
11. Good or bad boy: Both but preferably good
13. Hair styled or not: impartial
14. Jewelry or none: impartial
15. Tall or short: taller than me so i suppose tall, but i'd go for someone short if they wre nice.
16. Curly or straight hair: my sis says i fall for girls with stringy hair
17. Pants or dress: depends on the occassion
18. Tan or fair: fair or pale
19. Freckles or none: definitely freckles
20. Indoor or outdoor: outdoor, whatever that means
21. Shy or outgoing: moderate to outgoing

1. Would you date someone just for his or her looks: i may, but it'd most likely fizzle out.
2.dairy chocolate or white chocolate: milk or dark, preferably dark
3. Root beer or coke: root beer
4. Mud or jelly: Huh? I'll say jelly
5. Skiing or snowboarding: snowboarding
6. Day or night? depends on my mood
7. Summer or winter: spring
8. Cake or pie: Angel food
9. Silver or gold: silver
10. Sunset or sunrise: sunset, however there' nothing like looking at the sunrise in the early morning in Florence
11. have u evafractured/broken/sprained a bone: sprained ankle
12. Do you have any piercing: two lobes considering more on the ears
13. Whats your favourite colour: blue-green
14. Do you hate anyone: hate just too extreme, Dislike: Oh yeah, Extremely Dislike: Definately, Hate:No
15. What do you dream about: It's to complicated to put here
16. Do you have a HUGE crush on someone right now? yes

17. Ever had a broken heart? si
18. Have you ever fallen in love? Well if you go by Maggie's definition of love than no. If you go by mine then yes
19. do you think it was worth it? I'm not sure. Yeah I guess it was worth it. I learned alot about myself
20. Ever said something you wish you could take back? too many times to count. i can make such an ass out of myself
21. Who's the loudest friend u know? Hard... i suppose Me
22. Who's the quietest friend? hard as well...I'd say Lucia
23. Who do you tell your dreams to? God and my diary
24. What shampoo do you use? herbal essence :::yells yes, yes, YES!!:::
25. How many T.Vs in your house? At the moment 1, normally two, eventually three
26. Who is the last person you called: Revie
27. Where do you want to get married? Hard again... Somewhere beautiful either natural or manmade. im open to elopement.
28. Words that best describe u? loud, ludicrious
29. Favourite number? 2
30. Favorite boys names: Edward, Charles, Alexander, Jonathan, Raoul, Hayden, Christopher, Mark, Philippe, Cameron (spelling?), James, Thomas, Elijah, Jeremiah, Michel
31. Favorite girls names: Laura, Eva, Natalie, Meryl, Adelina, Alanna, Sam(antha), Joey, Mia, Marguerite, Eleanor, Gwen, Charlotte, Alexandria, Tatiana, Antonia, Anya, Amalia, Rowen, Anna
32. Have you ever gone skinny dipping: i wish
33. Weirdest place to have sex? In a church, during mass
34. Are you in love: again, yes
35. Would you get changed in front of him/her: i don't know.
36. What is the last film you saw at the cinema: The Prince and Me, and pathetic ol' me had to go and start crying when, well if i told you that would ruin it fo you wouldn't it?
37. Who do you think will reply back to this? Who knows? maybe God will
38. What is the time now: 20:59

----------------GENERAL INFO------------------
* Name On Birth Certificate: what does this have to do with anything? Eibhlin Aine Brennan
* Age: 17
* Birthday: 20/12/86
* Height: 5'7.5"
* Shoe Size: 9
* Brothers/Sisters: an younger sister
* City you live in now: must i answer this again?

-----------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: Do you really think I'd be here telling you this if I had. I'd be dead, mourned and buried for being irresponsible
* Put a body part on fire for amusement: cant say i have, but that does give me ideas
* Been hurt emotionally: all the time
* Had an imaginary friend: a long time ago(yesterday) in a galaxy far, far away(my room) no j/k not since I was a very small child

* Wanted to hook up with a friend: u better believe it

* Cried during a Movie: yes, all the time
* Ever thought an animated character was hot: Definately. Dimitri from Anatasia. Tap that ass.
* Had a New Kids on the Block tape: Who?
* Cartoon Characters: Rouge, Mickey, Robin, and Stitch
* Fave Ice Cream: I've got several--Chocolate chip, CC and cookie dough, Half Baked, One sweet Whirled
* Fave Drink: honestly i'd have to say Cherry Limeade
* Alcohol: Smirnoff Ice

-------------RIGHT NOW------------------
* Hair is: In braids. i feel sexy. Rwar!
* I'm feeling: anxious about english and prom
* Eating: Peeps bunnies. (Gah!Where's Chucky's Head?)
* Listening to: Echoes of M.A.S.H. from the TV downstairs
* talkin to: Jon on the net

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
* God: Of course. Maybe not everything that people say about him but i believe he's out there.
* You believe in angels: yes definatley
* Santa Claus: Not for awhile
* Tooth Fairy: n'eh
* Destiny/Fate: somewhat
* Ghosts: i wish i did
* UFO's: not really but who's to say there isn't intelligent life out there. It's probably smart enough to stay away.

From Maggie's Blog

Ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want. Then go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including me) to ask you anything. And I mean anything!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Because Eveyone Needs an Escape

I am so sick of people. I seriously just want to runa away to a desert island for a few days to just escape from it all. It was one of those days where you really wish you had a remote for life so that you could fast forward through all the painful parts.

I realized today what a complete and total fool I am. I was deluded enough to believe that for once in my life karma was not going to find me before I got my moment of happiness. Forgive me while I digress for a moment. The other day I had a talk with a friend about how if we were suddenly granted three wishes what we would wish for, And quite ironically mine were alot less fanticiful than theirs: A single moment of complete and utter happiness where time stands still, a true love and contentedness with my life
So to continue on the aforementioned misery, the guy that i really wanted to go to Prom with affrimed that he had a date. I then spent ten minutes crying after telling myself i wouldn't. I let myself believe that ther was actually a chance that someone from a totally different world than mine might actually want to spend time with me. But as per usual I am the scum of the earth to guys, to quote my friend: "Umm, well guys think you're a total bitch." Did I mention that this friend is a guy? I wonder sometimes, I really do. I wonder about destiny and love and whatnot and whether or not it's just a fantasy that people talk about but doesn't really exist.

But it doesn't matter. The stupid loser will be regreting it the moment he sees me on Prom night and for the time being I will bask it the glory of Monet's Venice. So to end on a light note.
-"Someday my Prince will come."- Snow White and the Seven Dwarves