Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Impressionism, Cubism, and Me-ism

Ok so last entry was obviosly not a success. Probably the whole bitchy thing I had going on. No worries. I still love you all. Atleast those of you I know.

So how's life in the world of the small and unfamed? Mine's rather lovely if you ignore the fact that
a)I have less than three weeks to read both Hamlet and Mrs. Dalloway and I find both dull and boring compared to things like Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister and Born Confused
b)I am stil single and therefore incomplete in my book (If you lecture me about boys I will hurt you.)
c)Stuck in a nasty funk where one minute I'm happy, next I'm ready to bite heads off( No I'm not PMSing. Duh! Look at the last post no one read.)

Good I'm tired. And grumpy. and yet today was still interesting. I got my senior pictures taken(fun but exausting), I got new shoes, YEAH!, and I just got about six yummy pics of my newest "obsession" Ioan Gruffurd.


Ioan Gruffrud, the total hotty who plays, among other roles, Lancelot! But the stupid idiots got it wrong in the movie. HE doesn't die damn it! He runs off with Gwuenivere, and King Arthur dies. Duh! Still. Lovely Eye candy for this year's locker decoration. Along with a few pics of my friends and the latest REAL hottie, Reid Merryman, the guy I met during a game of poker.

So anywho, what is it now, sixteen days until my final year of doom begins? On the bright side the blighters finally got rid of skirts, have made every Friday Jean Day AND we get out everyday at promptly 2:50. Or is it 2:40? I forget. On the brighter side still GREER IS GONE! PARTY OVER HERE, WHOO WHOO! PARTY OVER THERE WHOO WHOO!
Haha! We Are Free! Free at last, free at last! Thank God almighty we are free at last!
So Sayonara Suckers! J/k, your not suckers. This is the final curtain everyone. Places and Bow! That's a wrap!

Quote of the day: " I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough water! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!" -Monty Python and the Holy Grail.