Sunday, May 30, 2004

You Know There's Something Wrong With the World When...

-You come home from the camping trip from Hell to find one of those demon fuzzballs sitting on you kitchen counter babbling away.(Furby)

-People actually enjoy torturing themselves by taking a ten mile hike in the middle of the day. A really killer hike. (note: I did not participate in hacking ten years off my life span willingly.)

-The highlight of your day is going to 5:15 Mass.

-Your friend Corrina is dating a younger version of Michael Jackson. Willingly.

-You have sudden and persistent urge to stab a certain someone repeatedly with a sharp long pointy object(Die! Bitch Die! No this is not anyone who attends or attended SMHS.)

-Your have the same point object urge about yourself(When will the torture end?)

-You suddenly realize that maybe singing all those camp songs in the van was a very BAD idea(nasty brat children sang them all the way home. When I was smelly, dirty and very low on the caffeine intake)

-You missed three kick ass parties to go to Chaco Canyon with a bunch of immature idiots.

And the number one reason You Know There's Something Wrong With the World...
-When you hunt through the dryer for your new white tanktop and you come across a white thong. And it's not yours. It's your Dad's. Only he refers to it as a jock strap. (this is the part where you run away screaming in fear.)

As you can see life has not been exactly peaches and cream. On the bright side though I get to go see Shrek 2 tomorrow. And I have also finally started on "Project X"( If you really want the details I'll tell you). Steve will be back on Tuesday and I will finally have someone sane to talk to once again. Life is pretty shweet aside from the fact that the one goal I really wanted to achieve this summer is probably not gonna happen.

Sidebar: Ok I have to rant about one of my major pet peeves that just got in the way of my surfing. People who fantasize about gay happening in Harry Potter, and then have to go and write stories or draw lewd pictures about it. I am all for gay rights and whatnot but for Fuck's sake this is taking artistic license a little far. I don't want to read about Harry giving Draco a boner. See Lupin getting in Sirius' pants. That is just so wrong on so many levels. Alright done ranting. Back to my life.

So anywho life is shweet. Yet oddly boring. Nothing interesting ever happens on my summer vacations. No summer loves. No two week flings with random hot boys. No drunken parties. No wild nights on the town. No nothing. Nothing exciting(in a good conotation of the word exciting) ever happens to me. Good Damn! Go the fuck away stupid fucking dryer! Sorry. I'm doing the laundry right now and the buzzer on the dryer is so annoying. Where was I? Oh I was about to switch subjects. Teen Titans- Ok i know a lot of you out there are probably thinking, OMG what a gay TV show. But it's not. It like the best cartoon in the entire world. I love it to death. It started out as a comic book and now it's an anime-ish cartoon on The Cartoon Network. Ok i've PR-ed, I'm tired, i'm sore from nearly killing myself and the only way i can feel worse is to not wake up in the morning and never get to finish "Project X" and my goal for the summer. But I'm not gonna die so eveything is going my way.

Ciao Peeps and I warn you DO NOT go through the laudry when it's more than just your own. what you find might scare you.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Another Personality Quiz and A Picture for your Enjoyment

I should clarify first. Le picture es de Beast Boy from Teen Titans (My all time favorite Cartoon!) as Andre in the Hey Ya Music Video. Shake it sh-sh-sh-shake it! Shake it like a Polaroid picture!

1) Starting time: 12:25
2) Your name: Eibhlin
3) Nicknames: Ivy, Palooka, Anna, E, Supreme Evil Overlordess of the Universe
4) School: SMHS
5) Screen Name: IrishEB or padmeskywalker16
6) Hair and eyes: Brunette with Blonde and red highlights. Deep inviting pools of hazel. (*grin*)
7) Height: 5'7.5"...I think
8) Pets: un perro or one dog for those of you single language people
9) Siblings and ages: Dorkwit a.k.a. Twipet a.k.a. My sister Siobhan-9
10) Been so drunk you passed out?: nope, but it would be interesting
11) Gone out in your pajamas: Only when I’m sick or to get the mail :)
12) Missed school because it was raining: nope...
13) Set any part of your body on fire for amusement: What the... No Stupid!
15) Wanted to hook up with a friend: definitely...but I’m not that dumb
16) Cried during a movie: of course
17) Had a crush on a teacher: Good Lord! Hell no!
18) Ever thought an animated character was hot: Totally! J
What happened to 19?: I ate it.
20's missing too: *burp*
21) Used Herbal Essences Shampoo: yep, and smells really good *oh yes, Yes, YES!*
22) Favorite colors: blue and black and red and green and lavender and yellow and …
23) Day or night: night
24) Summer or winter: summer
25) Favorite online smiley: the little karate man at Portkey :D
26) Satin or lace: satin
27) Favorite cartoon characters: Tigger, Dimitri, Rouge, Mickey, and Robin
28) Do you like anyone: DUH!
29) Friends you have known the longest: Lucia, Julia, Gale and Sarah
30) Loudest friend: hmm… I’ll be a dork and say the Nympho. Yes you Adam!
31) Who’s the most shy: hmm...probably umm Lucia
32) Who do you go to for advice: Lucia and Revie and Sara Mae and Camila and Maggie and…

33) Cried: yep...a few times
34) Why did you cry: My life was crappy and the other reason u’ll just have to guess…cake a.k.a. mark
35) Cut your hair: nope
36) Worn a skirt: Yup, my sexy new one.
37) Met someone new: yes, very cute but very devoted to someone else.
38) Missed someone: of course
39) Hugged someone: yup
40) Fought with your parents: naturally
41) Wished upon a star: once, last night.
42) Laughed until you cried: came pretty close
43) Played Truth or Dare: More like Truth or Truth since there were no guys
44) Watched a sunrise, or sunset: yes
45) Spent quality time alone: Always
46) Read a book for fun: yes...every day
47) Ate rocks: umm... no?
50) Are you in love: yes

51) God and the Devil: yes
53) The closet monster: eek! SAVE ME MARK!
54) Do you believe that Richard Simmons is gay: Ummm, who’s Richard Simmons?
55) Superstitions: eh, kinda
56) What is your full name: Eibhlin Aine Brennan,
57) Who named you: my parents
59) What color pants do you have on right now: Nuffink! J/k black faded jeans
60) Song playing right now: Get Out by JoJo
61) What’s the last thing you said online: oh joy. Work.
62) What is your computer desk made of: wood. It's the dinning room table.
64) What was the last thing you ate: Mark! J/k bagel and cream cheese
65) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: not sure, somewhere not in the continental U.S.
66) How's the weather right now: gloomy for May
67) What did you do last night: Hung out with my Girl Scout friends. No there was no wearing of the sexy uniforms for those of you who think they are sexy (mental people that you are)
68) What do you notice about the opposite sex: smiles and eyes
69) How are you today: bored.
70) How do you eat an Oreo: always with milk or not at all.
71) Who makes you happiest of the opposite sex: I suppose Revie does, cause Peter and Steve are too sarcastic, my dad is my dad and all other guys in my life I don’t interact with much
72) Dream car: Porsche
73) Favorite food: Honestly I don’t have one.
74) Favorite day of the year: Halloween and the 4th of July (hey I thought I’d be original instead of saying Christmas
75) Favorite guys and girls cologne: Girls-Eau de Torride by Givenchy and Sinful by Anchor Blue Guys-Dunno. Soap?
77) Fast or slow: *gets dirty thoughts in head and moves onto next question very quickly*
78) Are you too shy to ask someone out: Oh yeah.
79) If you could change your name, what would it be: I don't think I ever would...but it would have to be something very unique.
80) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: yeah, my two rabbits Steeplechase and Samuel J.
81) Have you ever been in love: I guess, is it still love if they really don’t notice you?
82) What is the stupidest thing you have ever done: ah, where can we begin this list? mostly...I’m way too loud and say stupid things
85) Do you like scary or happy movies better: happy!
86) On the phone or in person: Person.
88) Do you consider cheerleading a sport?: I think dance and gymnastics are sports. But just yelling is NOT a sport.
89) Do you want your friends to write back?: If they want
90) End time: 12:41

Monday, May 24, 2004

What's The Point Anyways

Invader Zim is one of the coolest cartoons out there. See it if you haven't. Okay now that the side note is over with on to the topic in the title.

People tell me that they started their blogs so that they could have a place to talk about their lives and get advice from their friends. So that they could rant about all the people who pissed them off, scared the shit out of them etc. And I thought, SWEET now I can get advice from all my friends and whatnot.

One slight problem with this idealistic world. I can't complain about anyone who reads this blog w/o pissing them off. I should explain. I have this deep rooted fear of being alone and ending up alone for the rest of my life. I therefore don't like confrontational situations because I don't want people to stop being my friends and leave me alone. I should also mention that this fear started more or less around the time my grandmother died.

An now so that I won't piss anyone off I will rant w/o using names(that way if any of these situations sound familiar you won't know if I'm talking about anyone you know). Let's see oh yes item one on the list. One of my best friends has this boyfriend that scares the shit out of me. And everyone else who meets him except her. He's just plain creepy. He makes me want to crawl under the covers and whimper in fear. Oh he's not like a serial killer or anything. Just creepy. He has an aura of creepiness. And for the record I'm not the only one who thinks this. Ooo, he's creepy. He even looks creepy. Creepy!

Next item on the list. Another one of my friends is really starting to piss me off. I love her. I love her to death but she's got issues. First of all she has this incessant need to be in control of everything, including the lives of all her friends. Honestly it's nice to have advice on things like boys and makeup and clothes but when someone starts to nitpick at my entire lifestyle saying things like oh he's not your type(when I'm totally in love with him) or OMG you would look so cute in this top (when it's hideous) it really starts to get on my nerves. Mind you everyone seems to think that all the guys I like are losers but you know what, at least they encourage me to try it. To see if he really is a nice guy. And another thing. She and her boyfriend(Not these or not the same people as above) seem to think that just because they fell head over heels in love that makes them perfect match makers. They want all their friends to be dating each other and what they don't realize is that a) there has to be mutual attraction between people and b) that many, like my self, want to discover love for themselves not have it thrust upon them. I love her, as I said before but lately, especially since she and her boyfriend got together (again not the people from above) she's been a thorn in my side.

One of my greatest wishes is to be able, just once to tell someone what I really think of them. Tell them what a poseur they are, how they pretend to be something they aren't just because they want to fight the flow even if the flow is what they want. I mean most of the people I hang out with are blantant SMHS haters I know. And sometimes I feel so out of place becasue I like going to games to cheer on the school. I like going to dances and being involved in things like Prom Commitee and whatnot. I generally like most of the people in our grade. The only problem I have with SMHS is the administration and even that isn't that bad. People don't realize that things could be a whole lot worse. Ok Dr. Greer is not the best principal in the world but you know what, it's our choice to go to St. Mike's. Yeah it's wrong of them to basically strip us of our consitutional rights but look at it this way. They don't beat us, they don't make us wear those yuppy uniforms, things aren't that bad. People, many of my friends included say that I am a pessimist. I tend to disagree. I personally think just about everyone at St. Mike's is a hypocrite. Myself included. Yeah High School is crap. But everyone said the same thing about Grade school and most of them now wish they were still in grade school. There are worse things in life. Like not being able to go to school because you have to work eight hours a day, six days a week to support your family. Like living in the slums of India or Bangladesh or Nepal and having to work as a prostitute to barely make ends meet. To have to sleep with your boss so he won't kill you. And I admit it freely I'm just the same as everyont else whinning about things that don't really matter. I'm so sick of it. I seriously am. Everyone should just shut up.

But I know better than that. I know that people, especially me, will still keep on complaining about how Greer's a bitch, my class is a bunch of trend following assholes, yadda, yadda, yadda, fine print. I know that the next time I'm on here I'll be whing about how much is sucking fucks that Mark went off to Cali. But atleast I spent today telling the truth even if it'll piss off everyone.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

"Control. Control. You Must Learn Control"

I love Yoda. I'd marry him if he weren't dead. I mean come on "Judge him by his size do you?" Yoda is a hottie. And he's all mine.

Ok sorry about the side tangent. But Yoda is the coolest guy in the entire world. So anywho today's entry is just some Poetry I've written over the past couple days. Enjoy mon amies.(Ok sorry to the Frenchers out their if i spelled that wrong.)

Poem One
Longing for you to realize I'm here
Only if you could listen to what's in my heart
Vortex of emotions engulfs me when I see you
Everything seems more alive with you around

Name Poem
Ever wonder what's out beyond the stars?
Imagine wings of velvet grace your back?
Breath in the scent of lilac and remember
Hurtling though time and space to another dream?
Lie down, daydream the day away
In a sunny summer's day park
Not a worry or a care in your head

And have you ever had a dream come true?
I wish upon a star, makes no difference where I are.
Neverland's not that far, just a right at the second star?
Ever wonder what's out beyond the stars?

Brilliant ring of endless light, shines in the stars
Retains the semblance of my dreams
Ever wonder what's out beyond the stars?
Never forget the dreams of childhood
Not-to-forget-mes, sunsets to sunrises, even an innocent kiss.
And always remember to fly to the mon and play among the stars.
Not a wish or dream forgot in this palace of the heart.

Poem Two
Moonlight wafts down form the heavens above.
All is quiet as the two lovers meet.
Resplendant in thier passion
Kissing in the shadows of the ancient pagoda
Softly, tenderly, they discover one another
Eternity wrapped up into a few precious hours.
New day dawns, sad yet joyous is their parting
Allowing thier desire to blossom all the more.

More tomorrow. Love ya all. Ciao

Oh P.S. Anyone who can guess the hidden meaning in the last poem gets an ice cream. And no the answer isn't sex.

P.P.S. I changed the name of my blog too. This sounds more sophisticated. Brownie for whoever can tell me what Impetus means.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Life... Or Something Like It

I think it's about time someone finally expalined to me the meaning of life. Because I'm really starting to wonder why we're all here. Is there some point to existance? Is there really a heaven or is it just poof lights out when we die? Because i really don't want to go through life and having it have no meaning.

Many people, my friends included, say that I am a pessimist. That I am forever being a downer. That I am, oh what was it, oh yes, "a frigid bitch, with no soul and no happiness in your life." Thank you so very much for saying that, and no I'm not going to mention his or her name. You know who you are. But the point is that I am not a pessimist. Nor have I ever been one. I am merely someone who is becomes frustrated with life. Frustrated with the fact that one never seems to get what one truely wants. Frustrated that good things often come with strings. Frustrated with that annoying evil little devil spawn that most people call my sister (ok i know that was random, but my sister is being an asshole.) And I am sick and tired of everyone trying to run my life, trying to fix all the mistakes they made through me. And i'm not talking about just my parents. Everyone, family, friends, accuantiances even some strangers, try to dictate how I should carry out my every waking moment.

Ok so what does this have to do with the meaning of life? Everything. And yet nothing. For if life has no meaning thatn none of this means anything, because it's all pointless. But if life does mean something then this has everything to do with it because if people don't all you to live your life the way you want then you're not living are you? and if you're not living then life has no meaning. And if life has no meaning because you aren't living your own life then how do you get it back? How to you regain control over your destiny?

And so the question is can people finally be serious about something I write? Because I've been noticing lately that people have this issue with taking anything I say seriously. Mainly due to the whole "frigid bitch" thing. And the even more inmortant question is, does love have anything to do with the meaning of life?


What the meaning of human life may be I don't know; I incline to suspect that it has none.
H. L. Mencken

Oh P.S. Anyone who can figure out what this says gets a prize:
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