Soul Mates and Silly Games
Today is one of those days where I just want to crawl under a rock and hide. And then cry. For a very, very, very, very, very long time.
I don't feel like explaining why.
Yesterday I got back from a much needed vacation.
While on said vacation my parents and I visited four colleges: Loyola of Chicago, Northwestern, Saint Mary's in Indiana, and Notre Dame. And I have now discovered the one place I truly want to be.
Unfortunately there are a few draw backs to residing for four years in my paradise: A)the immense competitiveness of getting in, B)$40,000 a year, C)This place has been a part of my life for so long that I worry I love it there not because I love it but because I've been brain washed to love it.
On the bright side though I got a peek at the new performing arts center there and OMG! Amazing! I was ecstatic. This is the place where I want to be for four years of my life, learning the ins and outs of the life of an actress.
Laugh if you must but someday I will be famous. I will be one of those women that all girls want to be and all men want to be with. I will do it no matter how long I have to wait, no matter how many tables I have to wait on to get there I will do it.
OK new topic. I've noticed lately a few character flaws in myself. Mainly I say things with out thinking about them and then screw myself over trying to apologize for them. We're taught to speak our minds but what they don't tell us is that when we do that people often get hurt. I don't like to hurt people. No I take that back. I like to hurt people but only after they've hurt me. Normally I like to be on good terms with humanity though. I'd like to take this moment to apologize to anyone I've offended. But I would also like to address something that was said by a anonymous commentator in my last post:
maybe people don't listen to you because, regardless of what you might think, you are often WRONG about your hunches, eibhlin. Don't take this personally, but it requires a good deal of life experience-based wisdom to get your opinions commonly respected.
First of all I think I have a pretty good idea who wrote this so there was no point in their making it anon.
Secondly I am not often wrong. And you know why? Because the majority of my life I've been an observer. Not by choice mind you either. So I study people. And I can usually peg things down pretty well. I also have the added advantage of a pretty good photographic memory. And not just what I see but what I hear as well. Songs for example. Most people can't recognize many classical works. I can after hearing them once. So maybe you want to get the whole story before you make any accusations. And as to the experience-based wisdom, Wisdom isn't always found in what you do. You can learn from others actions. Just something to chew on.
But now I'm getting grumpier and this just sucking fucks. Wait strike that reverse it. Claude I'm wiped out. Long, long, boring day. On the bright side though I got to see "Reid" (My new code name for the guy I like. OK yeah juvenile but at SMHS if you don't hide things they get out. Fast.)BTW that pronounced reed. Oh he's such a QT. I don't care how many people think he's out of my league or "Not my type". My type is for me to decide and I will keep trying until he or I leaves for college. I know that people want the best for me and they don't want me to get hurt but hello reality check: Getting hurt is part of life. And maybe we won't work out. But at least I'll have tried.
Oh and I learned how to play Texas Hold'Em and I won ten bucks in change and flirted with a few cute seniors (I supposed they're freshmen now but whatever)and watched most of SuperTroopers which is hilariously. Oh and that all happened on Thursday night in South Bend, Indiana, with an old friend of mine and her friends. Her very cute friends. Well the guys were cute. And the girls were nice. I love going back to the Mid West. I think it'll always be home even though I haven't lived there since I was about three years old. I love it there. Except for the Mosquitos. They can go to hell, the little buggers. I hate them. I had this huge ass bite on my calf that behaved really wierd. For about a day and a half it was about two and a half inches wide and five long and hurt like the dickens when I walked.
So anywho I my bid you all adieu. Adieu, adeiu, to you and you and you.
Ticket to see any movie you want if you can figure out where the last sentence is from.
Ciao Bambini
Note to self: Beat myself with a rubber haddock for letting my mother do the laundry and therefore shrink my Woodstock shirt. And when I say Woodstock I mean Snoppy's friend. Oh and My Brooklyn tee as well.