Welcome to Loserdom subtitled Gay Men Rock my World!
WARNING:All Guys read this at their own risk. I will be ranting about the menstrual cycle. I repeat MENSTRUAL CYCLE. You have been warned.
Ok. Ok. Ok. So I'm not a loser. But OMG! This has been a really shitty days in some circumstances. I hate this so fricking much. I wish I could go on birth control so I wouldn't have to drop off the edge of the world for about a week once a month. Ok for those of you who live under a rock birth control, aside from letting you have all the sex you want w/o getting preggers, clears up your skin, makes you less moody and makes having your period a whole lot nicer, as well as doing a few other things. Ok cue the whinny voice that says, How would you know? You're not on it.
I don;t live under a rock that's how I know. I have friends who take it and swear by it. Friends who are virgins God I hate this so fricking much, I... GAH! OW! Stupid fricking cramps I HATE THIS! *Evil sadistic voice screams inside head, Rip Out Uterus! Rip Out Uterus! NOW!* AHHHH! Grr! F*&^!
Ok. Sorry about that. I know that was a little creepy. But it's been a pretty rough day. And I wrote that about three hours ago before watching two straight hours of Queer Eye For The Straight Guy, which totally made me feel 100% better. So life isn't shit. But I did feel like shit for awhile there. But I'm all better now thanks to the Fab Five. I love them. I seriously love them. They never fail to brighten up my day. And it's so funny to watch them tear apart these men's house and make them totally gorgey. I love it! I wish they had Queer (Guy) Eye for the Straight Gal, cause seriously their are days I'd love to just hand my life over to five amazing guys and be all "Make me happy." God I hear weird noises in the background. I hope that's just the dryer and not my dog getting into something.
Anywho on the even brighter side of today I went down to Spanish market and guess who I saw. The love of my life showing off his talent. I am so jealous, seriously, everything artistic that I do you can't really see. You can see a painting, you can see a cello, but a voice? How do you see a voice. How do you capture the act of singing into something that you can look at day after day and say, She is singing?
On the downside of the upside, my dad was hanging over my shoulder until I told him to shoo and then he gave me crap about it later. God I hate how that man can make me feel guilty over things that deserve no guilt. He's my dad. He's like honorbound to be a big scary presence in front of potential BF's, it's in the Code Of Fatherhood or some shit like that. Still it could be worse. We could actually be dating and then OMG, that would seriously suck. I swear the man still thinks of me as his baby, and I suppose in a way I am but come on. Let me live a little.
Anywho I've got to dash seeing as how the microwave it paging me to come get my palomitas (you figure it out) and the TV is looking awful cozy.
P.S. Funny quote for your amusement:
"I think that's how Chicago got started. A bunch of people in New York said, 'Gee, I'm enjoying the crime and poverty, but it just isn't cold enough. Let's go west." - Richard Jeni