"Welcome to The Planet. Welcome to Existence"
Courtesy of Switchfoot-I Dare You to Move.
So there is someone I need to apologize to first of all. You know you are, and I'm really, really sorry that I bitched at you on you blog like that. I realize now that that wasn't one the smartest ideas in my long line of smart ideas. I really am sorry though. And to those of you who bitched back at me on his blog: FUCK YOU ALL! Like you've never done anything that you've regretted after the fact. God, people are so hypocritical. Sometimes it make we want to go become a recluse. People. (shakes head and sighs)
So anywho news of the week: SMHS lost to SFHS last night in the football game of the century. The game sucked because we could have won it but our team didn't show up for the game. So what else is there to talk about. Hmm, oh homecoming is the weekend after next. The theme is Las Vegas, which in my opinion is not the best of choices. But hey I went to the meetings, had my say and majority ruled. Oh well, now all I have to do is figure out if I want a date and where to eat. I'm thinking some Italian place. Mmm, fedichini alfredo! Food is beautiful. Hah in humanities now we're discussing beauty and food is definitely beautiful.
One of my friends is really getting on my nerves right now but I don't have the heart to tell her. She really is a nice person but her peppy attitude is really annoying me. Maybe it's just cause I don't really want to be the kind of person she is now. I want to go smoke a bowl in The Rose Park, and get plastered at parties on the weekends. I want to run for Homecoming Queen and Cheer for the team. I want to be a sheep okay. I don't want to be an individual anymore. I don't want to "play it safe" and I don't want to feel I need to. To many people are trying to control the direction my life is headed in and they won't let me decide for my self and it's really starting to piss me off.
So arivouir, arividerchi, sayonara, dasvidanya and all the rest.
Quote of the day: "Don't worry, Miss Bahmra. Our designs will make even these little mosquito bites look like juicy, juicy mangos!" -Bend It Like Beckham (In reference to the main character's well you know)